Let’s dive into the buzzing world of blockchain in supply chain management and why startups are the superstars here. Picture this: blockchain is like a…
blockchain for supply chain
The pharmaceutical supply chain is complex and filled with challenges, from counterfeiting and diversion to transparency and traceability issues. But there is a new technology…
blockchain in pharma
In today’s fast-paced world, industries are constantly seeking ways to streamline their processes and enhance efficiency. The manufacturing sector is no exception. As technology continues…
blockchain in supply chain
The food industry has been struggling with a myriad of challenges in the form of food waste, resulting from inefficiencies and a lack of visibility…
food supply chain
In the ever-changing landscape of today’s global marketplace, the significance of efficient supply chain management cannot be overstated. It serves as a vital driver for…
blockchain in supply chain
According to reports, the worldwide population has grown to approximately 8.0 billion today and the figures are constantly increasing per diem. Add to this, the world…
agriculture supply chain
According to a report by the World Food Program, received via KPMG, nearly 821 million people go to bed on an empty stomach. Another report…
Tackling Supply Chain Issues and Food Fraud with Blockchain Technology
While traveling from one place to another has always been a stressful experience, increased airport check-ins and security at airports have made it even more…
Blockchain technology
What is Blockchain? Blockchain, the technology behind cryptocurrencies; can be thought of as an open and widely distributed ledger that can document transactions and information between two…
Blockchain asset management
The utilization of Blockchain technology in today’s real-world business is something that every industry craves for. Blockchain technology has the potential to skyrocket the profitability…
Blockchain in coffee supply chain